Vancouver Land Bridge
The Vancouver Land Bridge reconnects historic Fort Vancouver to the city’s Columbia River waterfront and helps restore the natural landscape continuum from upland prairie to river edge.
Mercer Slough Nature Park
Jones & Jones prepared the master plan for Mercer Slough Nature Park. Within the constraints of a sensitive wetland habitat, it outlined opportunities for educational, interpretive, and passive recreational uses, including trails and interpretive viewpoints.
Mountains to Sound Greenway
Planning for the Mountains to Sound Greenway helped create a scenic greenway corridor, from the shores of Puget Sound, across Lake Washington, and over the Cascade Mountains to the Ponderosa Forests and Prairies of Eastern Washington.
Cedar River Watershed Education Center
Located at the edge of the pristine, 90,000-acre Cedar River Watershed preserve, this unique complex is dedicated to educating greater Seattle residents about the principal source of their drinking water—the Cedar River.
Sweetwater Park and Paynes Prairie Restoration
Nature is the best storyteller, and thoughtful design connects people to Nature’s stories. My passion focuses on creating those connections that bring about a greater awareness and appreciation for the plants, animals, geology and water that surround us. My goal is to make places that not just amaze and create goosebumps, but also makes us storytellers for nature.